Friday, February 15, 2013

Soul's Gate by James Rubart ~ Book Review

Movie Rating: PG-13 for frightening images
Book Rating: @@@@
Swearing: None
Inappropriate Scenes: None
# of Pages: 400 (paperback)
Genre: Paranormal
Publisher: Thomas Nelson

Back Blurb:
Reece stood and faced the group. "Every now and then we get a break from reality. A glimpse into the other world that is more real than the reality we live in 99 percent of our days. The Bible is about a world of demons and angels and great evil and even greater glory. A world the prophets saw; the world Enoch, and Elijah, and Paul, and John the apostle all saw. A world that is all around us in every moment if we would have eyes to see and ears to hear." What if you could travel "inside" another person's soul? To battle for them. To be part of Jesus healing their deepest wounds. To help set them free to step boldly into their divinely designed future.

Thirty years ago that's exactly what Reece Roth did. Until tragedy shattered his life and ripped away his destiny.

Now God has drawn Reece out of the shadows to fulfill a prophecy spoken over him three decades ago. A prophecy about four warriors with the potential to change the world . . . if Reece will face his deepest regret and train them.

They gather at a secluded and mysterious ranch deep in the mountains of Colorado, where they will learn to see the spiritual world around them with stunning clarity. And how to step into the supernatural as powerfully as anyone in the Bible did. Their training is only the beginning. The four have a destiny to battle for a freedom even Reece doesn't fully fathom. But they have an enemy hell-bent on destroying them as well and he'll stop at nothing to keep them from their quest for true freedom and the coming battle of souls.

My Review:
Has there ever been a time in your life where you wish someone could come inside your soul and fix what's broken? Take away your past regrets and make all things fresh and new? Yes, we've all been there, done that. We've made our mistakes. Sometimes that's what limits our growth today - when we focus on our regrets. Meet Reece Roth. Soul traveler. Soul healer. Teacher. Man with a tragic past. And an awesome destiny. All he has to do? Embrace it and be/do what God created him to do.

This book was well-written and engaging. Is there anything else we would expect from James Rubart? I didn't think so. The author of Rooms, Book of Days, and The Chair, he takes us on another wild ride. One thing I did miss? Romance. I kept wanting the two main characters to get together and, well, I was bummed. Another issue for me was that it seemed that God was kind of portrayed like a puppet. Say a few magic words, say you have tons of faith, and BAM God will give you exactly what you want. That left me a little wanting, I suppose.

Overall, I think it was very good and well written, and I was glad to pick up a book and not have to worry about swearing or inappropriate scenes.

*I was given a copy in exchange for my honest review, and these thoughts are my own.
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